Side Effects

Risks and Side Effects:

Although laser hair removal does not cause cancer, is not without risk. Temporary crusting and mild irritation of the skin are common side effects. Changes in hair growth and hair growing in lighter or hair that grows near the treated area are also common. Laser hair removal can also cause pimples. Lighter and darker skin can also occur and may be permanent. These are hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation, respectively. Although rare, have blisters, scarring and changes in skin textures also reported. The skin is naturally tanned or tanning household products should not be treated as tanned skin is a greater risk of side effects including blistering and skin color changes.

Hyper-Pigmentation side effects: 

On the other hand refers to skin darkening. Exposure to sunlight is the most common hyperpigmentaion (tan), the sun will be darkened and hyperpigmented areas. Hyperpigmentationmay occur after laser hair removal treatment, when the laser provides the extra production of melanin. Hyperpigmentation, in general, not be a laser in removing hair long term hazard effect, and can be treated with bleaching creams. The hyper-pigmentation is usually reversible.
These two long-term risks can be avoided if you are being treated by a professional with the skill and experience right laser for your skin type.
If you remove hair removal system at home with a home, read the instructions, check the FDA approved, and the exact color of the envisaged system.

Long term dangers of laser hair removal causing skin cancer:

The laser hair removal systems all use of non-ionizing radiation. The term "non-ionizing radiation" refers to this energy has no effect on DNA. It is this degradation of DNA that the long-term effect of cancer is as we know it. While many fear for laser hair removal cause skin cancer - may not.

The long-term hazardous summary of laser hair removal:

Since there are no real rules for the licensing of technician laser hair removal, the risks of laser hair removal long term risks to minimize, make sure the clinic you visit uses many hair removal systems. Try to find out their experience in treating your skin type, how long must the systems, how people dealt with each system.

Temporary Side Effects:

There are several temporary side effects that have the opportunity to acquire, after a laser hair removal treatment. You're much more likely to develop a temporary side effect rather than permanent, but that is temporary and eventually will disappear. Some may take days, weeks or even months until complete dissolution.

Pain - The pain can be both during and after the procedure. Discomfort during the process often can be alleviated by using a local anesthetic or other method by which the office or clinic. Discomfort in the days following the procedure can be improved by using a prescribed analgesic drugs. Ask your doctor what options are available to you.

Swelling - There is a potential risk of a type of swelling in and around the treatment area. Depending on what area you have chosen to treat this side effect more or less a problem. This can be relieved by using topical treatments prescribed by your doctor. You can contact your doctor about possible solutions to this potential side effect can be treated.

Redness - Redness, other than pain, is probably the least serious side effect of laser hair removal. It may be a problem if you have tried with a good view or the visible area, for example, directly above her lip. You may be able to solve this problem by using a topical treatment prescribed by a doctor, but you should ask about these options before starting the procedure.

Blisters - This is the temporary effect of the worst side, the most painful, sensitive and embarrassing that comes with having laser hair removal performed. If you were not comfortable with the people you see in that condition, then you may want some sort of plan to worry about what you can do to minimize the risk to others if they have to suffer this side effect. Hyperpigmentation - Hyperpigmentation is a side effect that the temporary discoloration of the skin in the treated area. There can be no solution to reduce this side effect, but dissolves itself, provided the treated area on the face, or not very bright.

Permanent Side Effects:

There is also a very serious possibility of long-term or permanent epidermal damage. If they are unwilling to accept these risks as a result of your treatment, you should think twice before considering this method of hair removal. There may be other workarounds, the more painful, or costly to their unwanted hair problems you should also evaluate.

Skin discoloration - This is usually a permanent width of the skin in the treated area. Since the laser is referred to the pigmentation to attack in the dark hair that can sometimes also have an influence on the dark skin color. Although not a physically painful side effects can be serious and emotionally damaging.

Scare - quenching occurs especially when the area is about someone who is trained or at least an accidental over-treatment. But even if you have your procedure performed by an experienced professional, you should be prepared for any potential risks.

Burns- Burns are also very rare and are usually the work of less qualified technicians. It can be painful and you should be prepared for this result too, no matter what your doctor or technician qualifications.
Scars_The scars will occur if the laser technician prolongs then use the laser in a single sound. Scars can form if after-care tips for laser hair removal treatments not followed.

What can be done to reducing side effects:

Although the side effects are a possibility, there are steps you should take in the days and weeks prior to your procedure to minimize the risks. This is not intended as a medical guide for you, but rather an informative one. You should always consult and listen to your doctor about the actions he chooses to take the treatment.
You should let your doctor know if you have a relative or hormonal conditions or have any type of herpes virus in the area you intend to treat.

You should avoid tanning or sun exposure without protection for several weeks before the procedure. This is because the results can be optimized and minimized side effects in patients in the skin when the light treatment. A practitioner, including a bleaching cream may be prescribed for you to apply.
You should avoid waxing or shaving of the area for several weeks before the procedure to obtain better results. Take antibiotics or antivirals that may be prescribed.

Make sure the area is clean on the day of the procedure. For example, if a part of your face to be treated, then do not wear makeup.Laser hair removal, like any other medical intervention has its own set of risks and complications. Yet these can be reduced by asking your doctor what medications are available and after the pre-and post-procedure returns. In addition, these risks can be minimized by choosing a doctor who is well qualified and had no history of patients with Sever or persistent side effects in their care.